A guide to compose your own travel utility kit

Traveling to different countries, terrains, weather comes with different challenges. I got stuck at certain moments when I realized – Oh I should carried this thing along or that item could have been useful now. Or like …Damn, I had a feeling that I might get into this situation. Well you are not alone.

I hate to be in such situations. For this reason, I have made a travel utility kit for myself which I feel helps me get out of certain tricky situations of life with ease. I have put in items on the list based on my experiences or anticipation.

Please note:

This is not a First Aid Kit. This is for the different kinds of traveling situations that might arise. Feel free to add some more if you know in the comments. Helps everyone 😊

You do not have to buy everything new and try upcycling things or use some old ones if you have (Check this blog for some useful tips- https://triplogues.com/sustainable-and-responsible-travel-budget-options/ ). Helps the pocket and environment!!


Multipurpose knife (small size): I like the Victorinox (https://www.victorinox.com/uk/en/Products/Swiss-Army-Knives/Small-Pocket-Knives/c/SAK_SmallPocketKnives?ScrollPosition=0&maxResults=30) small size which has knife, scissors, toothpick and tongs. Helps with a lot of things

Sanitary napkin/tampon (lightweight options) : This is for the ladies out there.

Cash: I can’t stress it enough. Its always advised to carry cash sometimes. People are either wanting to save tax or technology sucks sometimes. Only humanity or cash can save yu in suc a situation, and humanity is rare nowadays.

Coins: I once was inside a bus station and had to pee badly. Unfortunately, the entry required coins to be inserted. Thank God! it was broken then! But do carry a pounder and 50s 20s 10s each.

Fork cum spoon: You will need it sometimes and thank me later.

Band Aid/ Small plaster: for those small cuts and cruises, better to carry one or two

Ibuprufen / Paracetamol/ any you need : Weather is unpredictable and so is health. Nobody wants to sick or ill while tavelling. For those tricky situations, having one of these helps you feel better and carry on with your plan.

Salt/sugar sachets: I do suffer from low blood pressure when I fast for more than 3-4 hours. So I always keep a salt sachet handy. Sugar could help diabetic people or the combination of two is good to rehydrate you whenever needed.

Plastic cover- a small cover to help with leaky items or vomit or cover something from rains or tie somethings. Loads to uses actually.

Tissue/ wet towel sachet- handy to clean off something or hands. Disinfecatant wipe to clean off bruise or cuts.

USB cable- Depends country to country. Although most places you would find a USB port

Paper and pencil are totally optional.

Pouch to carry all- lightweight small size to fit them all in.

Travel Utility- extended list

This list contains items that you can add to above list if you want carry more. However, some of these items are emergency items in addition to utility items.

Portable charger, with torchlight if possible: Phone is very necessary nowadays. I once remember my friend who got stuck in Scottish glens and her phone died off so she could not call emergency mountain escorts and had to spend always the night at a bothy ( gonna write about them later). Torchlight is an additional advantage as people use their phones as torch but what if that dies.

Emergency  blanket: there is a thin blanket sheet available at camping sections of stores. This is a dual use blanket which as a gold and silver side. In emergency situations of freezing cold, you should have the gold side up to retain the warmth in and for hot weather, keep the silver side on top. It is a small packet of almost size of 6 cm * 4 cm * 1cm (d).

Pain relief tube or balm: for the headaches/ ankle pain/ joint pain due to cold weather.

Insect or mosquito repellent cream: Especially necessary for warm or tropical climate areas. Mosquitoes can be absolute nagging creatures.

Small bottle of moisturizer  – very small. Can get the travel size bottle and chose the smallest box from it. (Here is the link showing results of the kind of bottles i mentioned- https://www.google.com/search?q=travel+bottles+set.&sxsrf=AJOqlzWq21QG4YRYGhf9a_2WebwdVak9wA:1673091678369&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJxamZsLX8AhWIUcAKHTRjCP0Q_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1536&bih=714&dpr=1.25)

Toothbrush/ paste: This could be a personal decision but I carry mine. My day gets spoiled if I don’t brush, so….yeah.

Fire Igniter or gas lighter: Fire is very essential when it comes to very low temperatures especially when you go into the wild.

Water filter- (inside link): Water is necessary for us. Some times, there is natural water available when you go hiking or outdoors. From streams, rivulets and taps put on across the crossing water streams, its fresh but advisable to boil it in combination with using a filter.

Again, you can always personalize the list of travel utility items as per place and situation. Feel free to add to subtract items as you think would be best for you.

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